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It’s easy to get discouraged about your social channels as a business owner. Over the years, business page engagement has dwindled to almost nothing and business owners are left with platforms that still require work, but with little return if not utilized well.

With that said, there are things you can do to optimize your social channels for conversions and sales:

Linking - Socials allow business accounts limited space in their bio or About section. Use tools like Linktree to optimize this space and get customers to the most important pages on your website.

Call to Action - Don't be afraid to add a call to action into your post captions, directing your followers to your bio where they can visit your website and purchase. There is a caveat to this: it's important that your posts are engaging to your followers. Do not try to sell directly in every post, rather tell a story in your post captions that position your ideal customer as the main act.

Social Media Ads - When done well, social media ads can be used to effectively reach your audiences and utilize your page's engagement to drive sales. Social channels are making it easier and easier for page owners to run ads on their pages. With that said, an experienced professional can ensure that those ads are targeting the right people, that you’re using optimal content in your ad to drive sales and the right messaging for your audiences.

An experienced marketer can ensure that your social ads are effective, driving conversion, brand awareness and traffic to your website. What many business owners appreciate about social media ads is that they are cost effective, targeted, and they work.